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    South Africa to Catch a Glimpse of Meteor Showers this Month

    Written by on April 6, 2022

    South African Astronomical Observatory shared that Cape Town and Johannesburg residents will be able to spot a meteor shower this month.


    Source: https://www.goodthingsguy.com/fun/meteor-showers-saao/


    South Africa (05 April 2022) – April is set to be an exciting month for people who love stargazing. The South African Astronomical Observatory has shared a very hand “What’s Up” post on their website, highlighting all the cool things happening in the night sky this month. Sivuyile Manxoyi complied the handy list for SAAO.

    According to the website, the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) was founded in 1820 and is the national centre for optical and infrared astronomy in South Africa. Its primary role is to conduct fundamental research in astronomy and astrophysics by providing a world-class facility to scientists. The SAAO also promotes astronomy and astrophysics in Southern Africa by sharing research findings and discoveries and participating in outreach activities to enthuse citizens about physics and astronomy.

    The Cape Town Observatory is the one people can access easily as it is found just outside the city centre. The observatory plays host to many events, and people are encouraged to visit to learn more about the research being done in South Africa.

    Sivuyile’s list includes meteor showers visible this month, planet visibility, and stars you can spot in the sky. The full moon this month, takes place on the 16th of April.

    Sivuyile confirmed that there will be visible meteor showers this month, in both Cape Town and Johannesburg. The best night to see them is the 15th of April at 21:00 in both cities, cloud cover depending.

    “Three meteor showers are active in April, the April Lyrids, pi Puppids and the eta Aquariids. The April Lyrids are visible from the 16th to the 25th of April, peaking in the early hours of the 22nd. They are best viewed between 02:00 a.m. and 05:00 a.m. looking towards the constellation of Lyra. The maximum hourly rate is expected to be around 15.

    The pi Puppids are active from the 15th to the 28th of April, peaking on the night of the 23rd. This shower is best viewed between 19:00 p.m. and 23:00 p.m. looking towards the constellation of Puppis. The maximum hourly rate is expected to be less than 5.

    The eta Aquarids will be active from the 21st of April to the 12th of May, peaking on the 5th of May and the best time to view them is between 03h30 a.m. and 05h30 a.m., looking towards the constellation of Aquarius. The maximum hourly rate is expected to be around 55.”

    You can find out more about all the stellar star experiences happening this month via SAAO’s website here. It is fascinating seeing just how much goes on just above our heads.