Your Source of Strength

Psalm 18:32-33 God is the one who gives me strength. He clears the path I need to take. He makes my feet as steady as those of a deer. Even on steep mountains he keeps me from falling.

I heard an eminent psychologist talk recently about the power of food to change our mood. Sure, these days people eat bad food, junk food, way too often. But nutritious food gives you strength and that strength improves your mood.

I’m a great fan of intermittent fasting. I’ve found that it helps me manage my weight easily and effectively – something that I’d previously struggled to do for decades. So I’ll generally break my overnight fast around midday each day. It’s incredibly good for you.

But on mornings when I get up early to prepare messages like this one, first I’ll generally have something healthy to eat, and the energy and focus that that food gives me to research and write is really quite amazing.

It’s all too easy, too, in our day to day walk to forget the strength that God would give us if only we’d draw near to Him, if only we’d listen to Him.

Psalm 18:32 God is the one who gives me strength. He clears the path I need to take. He makes my feet as steady as those of a deer. Even on steep mountains he keeps me from falling.

The road ahead is sometimes rocky; the way forward can be unclear. But God will give you all the strength you need. He will clear the path forward that you need to take. He will steady your feet and even when the climb is steep, He will keep you from falling.

How can we know that? Because …

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.