The Riddles of Life

Psalm 119:105 Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps, a light that shows the path I should take.

Life can be something of a riddle, especially as you look ahead. What does the future hold? How’s it all going to play out? We all hope for a bright future. Even though things might be dark or gloomy today … surely tomorrow will be a bright, sunny day.

That hope of a bright future exists in every culture in every corner of the globe. For those of Chinese heritage, today is Lantern Day. With New Year now done and dusted, children are given lanterns to symbolise a light illuminating … yep, you guessed it … their bright future. But attached to those lamps are riddles for others to guess.

So, as much as we may be hoping for a bright future, what lies ahead remains something of a riddle.

For me though, there’s one thing that guides my future, that shines a light on my path. And that one thing is God’s Word. As the psalmist prayed …

Psalm 119:105 Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps, a light that shows the path I should take.

Now, God doesn’t always tell us exactly what our future will hold. But while we’re trying to figure it out – should I go this way or that? – the more we listen, the more we allow Him to speak His Word into our hearts, the more we find our steps being guided – divinely, supernaturally; the more there seems to be a light shining on the path we should take.

God’s Word is a lamp that’ll guide your steps, and a light that’ll show the path you should take.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.