Out with the Old, In with the New

2 Corinthians 3:11,12 If the agreement that was brought to an end came with glory, then the agreement that never ends has much greater glory. We are so sure of this hope that we can speak very openly.

I’m pretty sure we’d all agree that laws are, by and large, good. Not all of them of course, but most of them. Yet how useless is a law on the statute books that simply cannot be enforced?

I’m sure you’ve seen laws enacted about which you’ve wondered, how are they ever going to enforce that one? And, sure enough, they couldn’t so either they became lame ducks or were eventually repealed.

The Old Testament of the Bible comes basically in two parts. Firstly, God’s law (also called the Pentateuch), the first five books – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. And secondly, the story of Israel’s struggle with that law and their constant failure to obey it.

So eventually God brought that old law (the old agreement, or the old covenant as it’s often referred to) to an end, and replaced it with something much, much … much better.

2 Corinthians 3:11,12 If the agreement that was brought to an end came with glory, then the agreement that never ends has much greater glory. We are so sure of this hope that we can speak very openly.

God replaced the rule of law with the law of grace. Out with the old, in with the new. He replaced those legal requirements with forgiveness by sending Jesus to die for you and for me. And friend, when you trust in this Jesus, the very Son of God who died and rose again for you, that makes the light of His glory to shine in your heart.

And that’s a glory that will go on forever, which is why, by His Spirit, God fills you with a hope here today, in this life, that will never fail you.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.