I Wish …
Psalm 112:5-7 It is good for people to be kind and generous and to be fair in business. Such good people will never fall. They will always be remembered. They will not be afraid of bad news. They are confident because they trust in the LORD.
So when was the last time that you felt, shall we say, “ethically challenged”? On the one hand, you knew the right thing to do. On the other, with a just quick sleight of hand by cutting a corner here, squeezing something over there, you could have turned the tables in your favour.
That temptation to succumb to just an itsy-bitsy amount of dishonesty to tell just a teenie-weenie lie in order to get what you want, raises its ugly head way more often than you might think.
I’m sure without too much imagination you could point to any number of opportunities before you to turn things in your favour by putting your finger on the scale.
And why are we tempted? Because we want things. We want stuff. We want the outcome that we want! I wish I had … I wish I could … I wish … And so gently, albeit dishonestly, we steer things in that direction.
Psalm 112:5-7 It is good for people to be kind and generous and to be fair in business. Such good people will never fall. They will always be remembered. They will not be afraid of bad news. They are confident because they trust in the LORD.
In that hidden moment of temptation it takes courage to do what’s right. But God is there in those hidden moments. He knows when we resist them. He knows when we succumb to them. And there are consequences, good and bad, whichever way we jump.
So … be careful not to let a wishbone grow where backbone should be.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.