Wisdom Before the World Began

1 Corinthians 2:6,7 We teach wisdom to people who are mature, but the wisdom we teach is not from this world. It is not the wisdom of the rulers of this world, who are losing their power. But we speak God’s secret wisdom that has been hidden from everyone until now. God planned this wisdom for our glory. He planned it before the world began.

The self-help sections of newspapers, or newsfeeds if you’ve gone digital, are bulging these days with worldly wisdom that ranges from the seductive through to the bizarre through to the positively dangerous.

Whether it’s mysticism and mindfulness, or the plethora of contradictory and mutually exclusive dietary advice, or how one woman’s side hustle as a prostitute unfairly destroyed her career (and those are just three random selections from my newsfeed today) it’s easy to come to the conclusion that the world’s gone stark-raving mad.

And yet so much of this malarky is being lapped up as alleged wisdom by an unsuspecting public. Women’s magazines have been peddling this sort of rubbish for years! I wonder if you’ve ever been tempted to swallow some of this stuff.

In sharp contrast, here’s the Apostle Paul writing to a struggling church that was consuming a not dissimilar diet of worldly wisdom a couple of thousand years ago:

1 Corinthians 2:6,7 We teach wisdom to people who are mature, but the wisdom we teach is not from this world. It is not the wisdom of the rulers of this world, who are losing their power. But we speak God’s secret wisdom that has been hidden from everyone until now. God planned this wisdom for our glory. He planned it before the world began.

Okay, God’s wisdom may not seem quite as alluring as the stuff the world’s dangling under our noses, but love, honour, humility, forgiveness, goodness … we know that that’s where the real wisdom is, and we know it works.

Don’t be duped by the false wisdom of people who are passing away. Because God planned His wisdom for your glory. He planned it before the world began.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.