God’s Plans and Purposes
Exodus 6:7 You will be my people and I will be your God. I am the Lord your God, and you will know that I made you free from Egypt.
I’m not sure whether this is a thought that’s ever entered your mind or not, but God has a yearning deep in His mighty heart. A yearning for you that is beyond words or comprehension.
Many people – many Christians even, let me say – live directionless, rudderless lives that don’t seem to be heading anywhere in particular. And at some point, as you realise that life’s slipping by ever so quickly, that shocks you into realising that before long this life will be over … and for what?
Twenty-five years ago, I did something radical. In the middle of the worst time of my life, at a time when I’d lost almost everything that mattered to me, at a time when I couldn’t see myself making it through even until tomorrow, let alone for the next twenty-five years, some friends invited me to church. And that morning, I heard about Jesus. I heard the truth that God yearned for me, so I gave my life to Him.
And ever since, I’ve had a sense of purpose, a sense of direction, a rudder in my life called Jesus.
So what’s my point? Simply this. The cry of God, the yearning of God for you, one that you’ll find over and over again throughout His Word, is this:
Exodus 6:7 You will be my people and I will be your God. I am the Lord your God, and you will know that I made you free from Egypt.
Friend, your God yearns for you. He yearns to be your God, He yearns for you to belong to Him. It’s a yearning that’s so deep in His great and mighty heart that He sent Jesus to die and rise again so that it could come to pass in your life.
Your God yearns for you!
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.