Don’t Put Your Best Foot Forward
2 Corinthians 11:27-30 I have done hard and tiring work, and many times I did not sleep. I have been hungry and thirsty. Many times I have been without food. I have been cold and without clothes. And there are many other problems. One of these is the care I have for all the churches. I worry about each group of believers every day. I feel weak every time another person is weak. I feel deeply upset every time another person is led into sin. If I must boast, I will boast about the things that show I am weak.
Success is one of those things that many in this day and age aspire to. And yet success is not one of the things that God holds up there as something that we should aspire to. In fact, quite the opposite.
We’ve been conditioned, you and I, to put our best foot forward. I mean … after all, you need to get ahead. You need to be noticed. You need to be promoted, right? And if you don’t put your best foot forward, none of those are going to happen.
And the lie that the devil’s dropped on our heads is that if you’re being successful, then clearly God’s blessing you. And if you’re not, He’s not. Think about it. That’s what most of us believe most of the time. Put your best foot forward. Onwards and upwards. Promotions. Recognition. Success.
Oh, God’s obviously blessing that guy! Look how successful he is!
And yet the Bible doesn’t talk too much about success, but more about boasting in our weaknesses, our limitations, our failures. Like the Apostle Paul:
2 Corinthians 11:27-30 I have done hard and tiring work, and many times I did not sleep. I have been hungry and thirsty. Many times I have been without food. I have been cold and without clothes. And there are many other problems. One of these is the care I have for all the churches. I worry about each group of believers every day. I feel weak every time another person is weak. I feel deeply upset every time another person is led into sin. If I must boast, I will boast about the things that show I am weak.
When was the last time you boasted in your own weaknesses, your own limitations? And who’s getting the glory in all your boasting? You … or God? Just asking the question.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.